Finite   Difference   Solver   for   Fluid   Dynamics   Simulations
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CboundaryContains all the global variables related to the imposing of boundary conditions, and functions to impose BCs
 CdirichletCCThe derived class from boundary to apply dirichlet boundary condition for a cell-centered variable
 CdirichletFCThe derived class from boundary to apply dirichlet boundary condition for a face-centered variable
 ChotPlateCCThe derived class from boundary to apply mixed boundary condition involving a heated plate for a cell-centered variable
 CneumannCCThe derived class from boundary to apply neumann boundary condition for a cell-centered variable
 CneumannFCThe derived class from boundary to apply neumann boundary condition for a face-centered variable
 CnullBCThe derived class from boundary to impose null boundary condition that leaves the data unchanged
 CperiodicCCThe derived class from boundary to apply periodic boundary condition for a cell-centered variable
 CperiodicFCThe derived class from boundary to apply periodic boundary condition for a face-centered variable
 CdataStructThe data obtained from the probes is stored in struct for quick transfer across processes
 CderivativeDerivative class to perform finite difference operations on the data stored in field
 CfieldField class to store data and perform finite difference operations on the data
 CforceContains all the global variables related to the imposing of forcing, and associated functions
 CbuoyantForceThe derived class from force to add forcing due to buoyancy to the velocity field in convecting systems
 CconstantPGradThe derived class from force to add forcing due to constant pressure gradient to the velocity field, specially in channel flow simulations
 CcoriolisForceThe derived class from force to add Coriolis forcing to the velocity field in rotating systems
 CrandomForcingThe derived class from force to add random forcing to the velocity field
 CrotatingConvThe derived class from force to add forcing due to both buoyancy and rotation to the velocity field in rotating convection simulations
 CzeroForcingThe derived class from force to add the default forcing of no forcing
 CgridContains all the global variables related to the grid, its slices, limits, and grid derivatives used throughout the solver
 ChydroThe base class hydro to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
 Chydro_d2The derived class from the hydro base class to solve the incompressible NSE in 2D
 Chydro_d3The derived class from the hydro base class to solve the incompressible NSE in 3D
 CscalarThe base class scalar to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with energy equation
 Cscalar_d2The derived class from the scalar base class to solve the incompressible NSE in 2D with energy equation
 Cscalar_d3The derived class from the scalar base class to solve the incompressible NSE in 3D with energy equation
 CinitialContains all the global variables related to the imposing of initial conditions, and functions to impose them
 CchannelRandThe derived class from initial to impose random initial condition for channel flow
 CchannelSineThe derived class from initial to impose sinusoidal perturbation for channel flow
 CtaylorGreenThe derived class from initial to impose initial condition of Taylor-Green vortices
 CzeroInitialThe derived class from initial to impose the default condition of 0 velocity
 CmpidataClass to store MPI derived datatypes for individual arrays
 CparallelClass for all the global variables and functions related to parallelization
 CparserContains all the global variables set by the user through the yaml file
 CplainsfPlain scalar field class to store simple scalar fields with no differentiation or interpolation
 CplainvfPlain vector field class to store simple vector fields with no additional operators like differentiation or interpolation
 CpoissonThe base class poisson and its derived classes multigrid_d2 and multigrid_d3
 Cmultigrid_d2The derived class from poisson to perform multi-grid operations on a 2D grid
 Cmultigrid_d3The derived class from poisson to perform multi-grid operations on a 3D grid
 CprobesHandles the writing of data from probes placed in the domain
 CreaderClass for all the global variables and functions related to reading input data for the solver
 CsfieldScalar field class to store and operate on scalar fields
 CtseriesHandles the writing of time-series data for various global quantities
 CvfieldVector field class to store and operate on vector fields
 CwriterClass for all the global variables and functions related to writing output data of the solver